1 Peter

Easter Study Series (Part 3)

Easter Study Series (Part 3)

Why is it important that Jesus rose from the dead? In the studies so far we have seen that Jesus lived (study 1) and died (study 2) for us. That through faith in Jesus we are new creations freed from the condemnation and control of sin, who now live to glorify and follow Him. However, if Jesus stayed dead then our faith is futile and we are still dead in our sins. In this study we will see from the Scriptures that Jesus did rise from the dead—proof positive that the Father accepted what He had done on our behalf and that through Jesus we have a new standing, life, and hope.

Easter Study Series (Part 2)

Easter Study Series (Part 2)

Why did Jesus die? That is the question we will explore further in this study. We will see from the Scriptures how Jesus’s life of perfect obedience to the Father culminated in His death for us on the cross. The perfect Lamb of God bore our sins, so that through faith in Him we might be healed, new creations freed from the condemnation and control of sin, who now live to glorify and follow Jesus.

Advent: Wide Awake

Advent: Wide Awake

ADVENT. A time to look back as we prepare to celebrate the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ into the world to be our Saviour. However, this is also a time when the Church looks forward to Christ's second coming. When His Kingdom will fully come and we His people will enter into our inheritance.