Easter Study Series (Part 2)

Why did Jesus die? That is the question we will explore further in this study. We will see from the Scriptures how Jesus’s life of perfect obedience to the Father culminated in His death for us on the cross. The perfect Lamb of God bore our sins, so that through faith in Him we might be healed, new creations freed from the condemnation and control of sin, who now live to glorify and follow Jesus.

Join us this Friday 12th March @ 1 PM for study 2 in our 3-part Easter Study Series, as we explore further the answer to this question. To download this week’s study - ‘Why did Jesus die?’ click the button below:

Note: The file is in .pdf format, so you may need a .pdf reader or viewer to see the file.

These fortnightly studies will be available to watch on our YouTube channel or Facebook page and are in place of our ‘Zoom into the Bible' study on a Friday @ 1 PM:

To download any of our previous studies check out our Lightning Study Archive:

Feel free to share these studies. If these have been an encouragement to you over recent months, we would love to hear from you! Get in touch with us by emailing info@preceptireland.org.

Our continued prayer is that as you study God's Word you would know God better and rejoice in Him, the God of our salvation (Habakkuk 3:17-18).