God, don’t you see? Don’t you care? As we face difficult circumstances these questions of doubt and despair can rise from our hearts. It was these same questions that God’s people living in exile asked centuries before (Isa 40:27). To God’s people then and now God speaks words of comfort (Isaiah 40). The comfort that comes from knowing Him, our Sovereign Shepherd, who us gives strength to endure as we trust in Him (Isa 40:31).
Does God see?
God is Sovereign. The One who sees and knows all things. His understanding is unsearchable (Isa 40:28) and needs nobody to teach Him what is right and just (Isa 40:14). His power is unending. He never grows tired or weary. The Sovereign over all the earth – whose rulers rise and fall at His command (Isa 40:21-24). The everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. The One who has held the oceans in His hand and measured off the heavens with His fingers (Isa 40:12). The incomparable God who has no equal (Isa 40:25).
Does God care?
God is Shepherd. The One whose arm is mighty to rule (Isa 40:10) is our Good Shepherd who gathers and leads us (Isa 40:11). The Shepherd crushed (Isa 53) so that our iniquity could be pardoned; God’s justice satisfied (Isa 40:2). No trouble we face or failure we make can ever separate us from His love (Rom 8:35-39)!!
Does God see? Does God care? Behold our God! Sovereign Shepherd of our souls. The One who renews the strength of those who hope in Him and brings them home.
“Behold our God”
Why not check out this great song from Sovereign Grace Music based on Isaiah 40.