A Prayer Of Commitment


The following is a prayer of Catherine Parr, the sixth wife of King Henry VIII, written in the 16th Century.

This is a big prayer to pray: one that declares your intention to live for God; to put His plans and His will above your own. It acknowledges God’s sovereignty and our place as His servants. It should not be prayed lightly, but prayed in the Spirit, recognising that it is only through the humbling and renewing work of the Holy Spirit that we can bow the knee to His will.

May God equip you to live the life you pray for.

You can read the Anglo-Saxon version below, or scroll down to our attempt at a more modernised version!

Grant that I may ever desire and will that which is most pleasant and acceptable to thee.
Thy will be my will, and my will be to follow alway thy will.
Let there be always in me one will, and one desire with thee;
And that I have no desire to will or not to will, but as thou wilt.
Lord, thou knowest what thing is most profitable and most expedient for me.
Give, therefore, what thou wilt, as much as thou wilt, and when thou wilt.
Do with me what thou wilt, as it shall please thee, and shall be most to thine honour.
Put me where thou wilt, and freely do with me in all things after thy will.
Thy creature I am, and in thy hands, lead and turn me where thou wilt.
Lo, I am thy servant, ready to do all things that thou commandest; for I desire not to live to myself, but to thee.

Give to me the desires and will which is most pleasant and acceptable to you.
Your will be my will, and my will to always follow your will.
Let there always be in me one will, and one desire with you; and that I would have no desire to follow my own will, but yours.
Lord, you know what is most helpful and best for me.
So give me what you want to, as much as you want to, and when you want to.
Do with me what you want to, as it pleases you, and in whatever way which will bring you the most honour.
Put me where you want me, and equip me in order to fulfil your will.
I am your creation, and in your hands, so lead and turn me where you want.
Lo, I am your servant, ready to do all the things that you ask of me; for I desire not to live for myself, but for you.