Download our free 3-part study series - UNITED WITH CHRIST as we explore God's amazing grace to us in Christ that sets the foundation for how we are to live and to stand firm against the evil one.
Download our free 3-part study series - UNITED WITH CHRIST as we explore God's amazing grace to us in Christ that sets the foundation for how we are to live and to stand firm against the evil one.
Download our free 3-part study series - UNITED WITH CHRIST as we explore God's amazing grace to us in Christ that sets the foundation for how we are to live and to stand firm against the evil one.
The period between the resurrection of Jesus and His ascension to the Father was filled with a number of significant encounters. Those who met the risen Jesus changed as they came to a deeper understanding of who He was and why He had come.
The period between the resurrection of Jesus and His ascension to the Father was filled with a number of significant encounters. Those who met the risen Jesus changed as they came to a deeper understanding of who He was and why He had come.