
Names of the Lord (Study 4): Jehovah-Shalom

Names of the Lord (Study 4): Jehovah-Shalom

So much of our confusion and pain results because we don't know God - who He really is, how He works in our lives. When you know God more fully by studying His names - Creator, Healer, Protector, Provider, and many others - you'll gain power to stand strong. You'll find strength for times of trial, comfort for pain, and provision for your soul's deepest needs. And your walk with God will be transformed.

Names of the Lord (Study 3): Jehovah-Jireh

Names of the Lord (Study 3): Jehovah-Jireh

So much of our confusion and pain results because we don't know God - who He really is, how He works in our lives. When you know God more fully by studying His names - Creator, Healer, Protector, Provider, and many others - you'll gain power to stand strong. You'll find strength for times of trial, comfort for pain, and provision for your soul's deepest needs. And your walk with God will be transformed.

Names of the Lord (Study 2): Jehovah

Names of the Lord (Study 2): Jehovah

So much of our confusion and pain results because we don't know God - who He really is, how He works in our lives. When you know God more fully by studying His names - Creator, Healer, Protector, Provider, and many others - you'll gain power to stand strong. You'll find strength for times of trial, comfort for pain, and provision for your soul's deepest needs. And your walk with God will be transformed.

Names of the Lord (Study 1): Elohim

Names of the Lord (Study 1): Elohim

So much of our confusion and pain results because we don't know God - who He really is, how He works in our lives. When you know God more fully by studying His names - Creator, Healer, Protector, Provider, and many others - you'll gain power to stand strong. You'll find strength for times of trial, comfort for pain, and provision for your soul's deepest needs. And your walk with God will be transformed.

Advent: Wide Awake

Advent: Wide Awake

ADVENT. A time to look back as we prepare to celebrate the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ into the world to be our Saviour. However, this is also a time when the Church looks forward to Christ's second coming. When His Kingdom will fully come and we His people will enter into our inheritance.