““What you have heard…entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.” ”
Precept Ireland have a deep desire to equip the next generation of potential leaders with the skills to study the Bible for themselves. To this end we are launching Precept Equip: Students - a 3 x 1 day programme for those aged 16-24 focused on personal discipleship, and teaching the Precept Inductive study method.
Could you help us in equipping the next generation? There are two ways you can do this.
Precept will be contributing £25 per student toward the cost of the programme, and would love it if different classes would be willing to sponsor a student for this amount, and pray for them as they attend this course. If you or your class would like to contribute in this way, please email info@preceptireland.org.
Perhaps you know some young people in your family or in your church who would really benefit from this initiative. Please share with them how the inductive Bible study method has helped you in your own personal study of the Bible, and let them know about this event.
You can use also any of the following publicity and share them on your social networks, or in email or messages.
If you would like any more information about this initiative then contact us at info@preceptireland.org.