Happy Birthday to... us!

This year Precept Ireland is celebrating its 20th anniversary. Kay Arthur, who founded Precept International with her husband Jack, came to Belfast in 2001 to speak at Focusfest, a ladies event run by Evangelical Ministries. A partnership between the two ministries developed and as Precept flourished it was mutually agreed that Precept Ireland would be officially registered here.

During the last 20 years the ministry has been blessed in so many ways, especially through the faithful study leaders God has raised up to give their time and resources to lead others into God's word. God has faithfully provided for all our needs in every way and looking back we can truly praise His faithfulness.

It is our vision to see Precept Ireland grow throughout the whole island of Ireland, and to reach every generation. However, stopping at this milestone is important – to thank God for the past and to declare our trust in him for what lies ahead.

The Precept offices were not always in Belfast, and were originally located in Carryduff, Co. Down.

Below are some more photos of Precept Ireland down through the years, including visits from Jack & Kay Arthur (founders of Precept), David Arthur (CEO Precept), Bob & Diane Vereen, and a Precept residential in Murlough House, Co. Down. If you have any photos of Precept down through the years, please send them to us; we’d love to see them!

Would you now take a moment and join us in giving thanks to God for His goodness over these last 40 years?

Lord God,

Thank you for establishing the work of Precept here in Ireland. Thank you for your provision and your leading over these last 20 years. Thank you for all who have served the ministry during that time; staff, volunteers, class leaders, and board members.

This work would not exist were it not for Your Word, the Holy Bible, through which you speak to us, and your Holy Spirit, by whom you transform us. May we be diligent in our attention to Scripture, and responsive to the Spirit’s prompting.

Lord God, we humbly ask that you would now provide and lead us on for the next 20 years, and that we will see more lives transformed across this island, and that your people will be established in your Word.

In Christ’s name,
