ReLaunch Event Report

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On Monday 17th August we hosted an online Precept Leaders get together - ReLaunch. This was an opportunity to get together to study God’s Word, provide some feedback on groups, and be encouraged as we look to a new autumn term.

Valerie opened the evening by leading us in a Lightning Study looking at 1 Corinthians 15:17-20, 51-58. One of the key verses in the passage is verse 20:

But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.
— 1 Corinthians 15:20

Christ has been risen! And we now live to serve a risen Saviour! We were greatly encouraged as we considered this and the implications of Christ’s resurrection and what it means for us now.

Following this, Karen facilitated a discussion around current groups and how they have found it during lockdown. We also discussed plans for the new term with contributions from both current and potential leaders. It was especially good to have contributions and the perspective of leaders serving in the south.

Dave then talked the group through the two options for Bible Study during this time of Covid19: online study, and in real life study. Digital has provided many groups to continue their studies, but we can also make use of meeting in small numbers as restrictions change. Though many may want to wait to start a study group once larger numbers can meet, we should not ignore the value in groups of 2 or 3 people, who can meet in a home or in a café to study together. Dave challenged everyone to consider how they could even encourage one other believer in their study of God’s Word, and the impact that could have.

For those who were new to leading, Dave suggested 3 P’s to help:

  • Pray - We cover everything we do in prayer, for if God isn’t invited to be part of it, then what’s the point?

  • Plan - Think about the who to invite, the what to study, the where to meet (online / offline), when to meet, why are we meeting?

  • Propose - Not for marriage! Propose the study to other people. Invite them to join you as you study God’s Word

Following this, Gavin led the group in a time of prayer, when we were able to commit one another into God’s care and pray for leaders across Ireland.

Overall it was a great evening, and was really good to have leaders from the south of Ireland as well as those who are interested in starting new groups, and we look forward to seeing what God will do across Ireland this term!

Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labour is not in vain.
— 1 Corinthians 15:58

You can download the Lightning Study we used on the night by clicking the button below.

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