8 Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, the offspring of David, as preached in my gospel, 9 for which I am suffering, bound with chains as a criminal. But the word of God is not bound! 10 Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory (2 Timothy 2:8-10).
As the apostle Paul lay bound in prison, expecting his imminent departure to be with Christ, he exhorts Timothy to remember. To remember Jesus Christ. To keep Jesus central in his life and ministry. Jesus, the Son of God risen from the dead, the Savior-King prophesied to come (Romans 1:1-4). Jesus, the Faithful One par excellence, who endured everything to save us, abolishing death and bringing life and immortality to light through the Gospel. The Good News of Jesus that Paul proclaimed and was prepared to suffer (2 Timothy 1:10-12).
Paul endured such suffering confident that whatever restrictions were placed on his ministry the word of God would continue to go forth. That although he was bound the word of God was not! Paul could have such confidence that God’s Word would be heard because he was prepared to endure everything to share it, not because it miraculously reached people without human action (although with God this is possible!!). God’s Word is not bound when God’s people are prepared to bring it to others, no matter the cost.
Paul’s life is a shining example of this. Having suffered much for his proclamation of the Gospel he continues to proclaim Christ right to the end (2 Timothy 4:16-17). In addition, as fellow believers observed Paul’s example the word of God went forth, as God’s people gained courage to speak it without fear (Philippians 1:14).
Reflecting on Paul’s example raises some challenging questions for us:
What are we prepared to do, suffer, to bring God’s Word to others?
What comfort-zone do we need to move out of, or fear do we have to face?
What action do we need to take in light of this?
Whilst our answers to the questions will be unique to us as individuals, our challenge is the same - what will we do to bring God’s Word to others. Present COVID-19 restrictions may make how we go about this different than we are used to, forcing us to face fears and get creative, but let us rise to the challenge so that God’s Word continues to go forth, confident that as we do so that lives will be transformed as people come to know God deeply.