Reopening Our Office

We are really pleased to announce that we will be reopening the Precept office in Belfast on Monday 3rd August!

This will allow you to telephone your order, as well as collect orders during opening hours.

This has all been planned in accordance with current regulations and recommendations, in order to ensure the safety of the staff as they work there.

Our new hours are:

Monday: 9am - 1:30pm

Tuesday: 9am - 1:30pm

Wednesday: 9am - 1:30pm

Thursday: 9am - 1:30pm

Friday: Closed

We have decided that for the meantime we will not be permitting non-staff to enter the office. Instead, books and orders will be taken to the foyer of NCM House to be collected.

Our monthly Prayer Meeting will continue to take place via Zoom.

You can still make purchases and order materials through the online shop. During the week orders are normally processed within 1 working day, while any orders made on Friday will be processed the next working day.

We are unsure of what the future will bring, and so this new routine may be subject to change at short notice. We greatly appreciate your understanding and patience with us as we navigate this difficult time. Many people are struggling with the uncertainty of the present, and anxiety about the future. It is an incredible blessing to know the words of Psalm 46:

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling.
— Psalm 46:1-3

No matter what is happening in the world, even if it feels like it is falling down around us, God is our refuge and strength. May you know the truth of this and continue to look to Him at this time.