REFRESH Event Report


On Monday 1st June we hosted an online Precept Leaders Get Together - REFRESH. An enjoyable evening of giving thanks for God’s faithfulness in song and prayer, sharing experiences and encouraging each other as we move forward.

We started our time by focusing on Jeremiah 9:23-24 where we learn our boasting is in knowing the Lord who delights in showing steadfast love, justice and righteousness. The rebranding of Precept in April has provided a new strapline which fits in perfectly with these verses - Know God Deeply, Live Differently.

We were updated on Precept Ireland as a ministry and how God has been blessing and moulding us to meet the needs of the times we are living through. We have been busy! We value prayer for the way ahead and acknowledge that God alone knows how that will be!

Being a leader in normal times has many challenges and the last few months have been far from routine as many classes have moved online. We looked specifically at important things to consider and obstacles to navigate and, while this has had its difficulties, it has opened a whole new world, reaching more people than ever before! We are so encouraged by how many have found new ways to keep in touch with their students and to continue to meet around the Word of God.

It would not be a Precept meeting without engaging with God in His Word! Our focus was a short study from Joshua 1 called “Taking New Ground with God” which encouraged us to focus and move forward with strength and courage in the promises of the LORD! We did this by breaking into small groups on Zoom to facilitate more discussion and interaction. It was lovely to have fellowship with a few people, even for a short time.

Our evening finished with time to pray together and praise God in song. We look forward to a future time when we will be able to meet in person and share a cup of tea and some food together!

You can download the study we used on the night by clicking the ‘Taking New Ground With God’ button below. We will also be running online leader training this month on Saturday 27th June. To find out more about this click the Leader Training button below.