Ladies' Bible Study - 40 Minute Study - Jesus: Experiencing His Touch (Belfast)

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Ladies' Bible Study - 40 Minute Study - Jesus: Experiencing His Touch (Belfast)


Jesus: Experiencing His Touch (40 Minute Study Series)

Jesus: Experiencing His Touch - A Study of Mark 1-6 - The first six chapters of Mark's Gospel overflow with stories of people drawing near to Jesus, longing to experience first hand the touch of the Saviour. Over and over, Jesus responded with compassion, interacting on a personal level with individuals who had been cast aside by society, their circumstances deemed beyond hope.

As you delve into their stories in this powerful study - the first in a three-part study of the Gospel of Mark, you'll discover for yourself the difference it makes when you engage with Jesus personally and experience His touch in your life.

START DATE: Friday 13th September

TIME: 9:30 AM (coffee) - 11 AM

VENUE: Saintfield Road Presbyterian Church, 1 Myrtledene Road, Belfast, BT8 6GQ

COST: £5.50 (excludes postage)

This ladies’ classes will meet fortnightly on the following dates:

13th Sept / 27th Sept / 11th Oct / 25th Oct / 8 Nov / 22 Nov

Once you register we will post your handbook out to you and email you about the class.

If you are unfamiliar with how to register here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Click Add to Cart button (see below).

  • Click Shopping Trolley button (may be at the top of your screen).

  • Click Checkout button.

  • Complete checkout process - once the checkout process is completed an order details screen will appear and you will also receive an order confirmation email.

We look forward to you joining us.

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