Easter Devotions

While we are not restricted to thinking about the Cross once a year, Easter allows us to set time aside, reflect deeply, give thanks, and celebrate what it means to us. Holy Week provides another opportunity to prepare our hearts to remember the events of Calvary, and our Lord who died there.

Below are a couple of resources that you can use during Holy Week to help focus your mind on the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. This list isn’t exhaustive; they are just some ideas! And if you have another resource you are using - let us know in the comments what you will be reading!

Easter Explained: An 8-Day Guide to Celebrating Holy Week
(Life.Church, Digital Reading Plan)

How would you spend the last week of your life knowing that it was your last? The last week Jesus was on earth in human form was filled with memorable moments, fulfilled prophecies, intimate prayer, deep discussion, symbolic acts, and world-changing events.

Designed to start the Monday before Easter, each day of this Life.Church Bible Plan walks you through the unfolding story of Holy week.

The Story of Easter


Woven - A Holy Week Devotional
(The Bible Society NI, Book / eBook)

Holy Week: the greatest week in all of history. Eight days woven into the fabric of countless lives changed forever.

Pause, ponder and journey through the teaching, trials, tears and triumph of the final week of Jesus’ life through this devotional by our friends at Bible Society Northern Ireland.

Available to order in both hard copy format and digital.

Woven: A Holy Week Devotional


Jesus: Understanding His Death and Resurrection
(Precept Ireland, Book / YouTube)

In this powerful study centered on the final chapters of the Gospel of Mark, you'll consider for yourself all that Jesus endured to bring forgiveness to sinners and hope to the hopeless. And you'll understand as never before why it's so essential to share with others the good news of His death and resurrection.

Jesus: Understanding His Death and Resurrection

If you want to follow the study, you can also watch each study on YouTube.

Jesus: Understanding His Death and Resurrection Video Series


Easter Lightning Studies
(Precept Ireland, Printable)

This short series of 3 Lightning Studies asks the questions, why did Jesus live? Why did he die? And asks what it means for us now that He lives again! These studies use basic inductive Bible study skills such as marking words and making lists in order to dig deeper into Scripture.

Easter Lightning Studies


Maybe you’re not one for reading… why not listen to an audiobook or podcast?

Preparing for Easter: Fifty Devotional Readings by C.S. Lewis
(Audible.co.uk, Audiobook)

Preparing for Easter is a concise, handy companion for the faithful of all Christian traditions and the curious to help them deepen their knowledge and consideration of this holy season - a time of reflection as we consider Jesus' sacrifice and his joyous rise from the dead. 

Carefully curated, each selection in Preparing for Easter draws on a major theme in Lewis' writings on the Christian life as well as others that consider why we can have confident faith in what happened on the cross.

Preparing for Easter: Fifty Devotional Readings by C.S. Lewis


The Characters of Easter with Dan Darling
(LifeAudio.com, Podcast)

In The Characters of Easter with Dan Darling, you'll become acquainted with the unlikely collection of ordinary people who witnessed the miracle of Christ's death and resurrection. This podcast is the companion to Dan Darling's book "The Characters of Easter: The Villains, Heroes, Cowardsm and Crooks Who Witnessed History's Biggest Miracle."

You can listen to all episodes at LifeAudio.com, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Pocket Casts.