Precept Ireland in 60 seconds…

Precept is a Bible study ministry that helps people read and understand God’s Word for themselves. Our mission is to engage people in relationship with God through knowing His Word, so we focus on making God’s Word accessible to all people everywhere.

We write and publish Bible study workbooks that emphasize individual discovery, group discussion, and life application. We train Bible study leaders to guide these discussion groups and disciple others so they may be transformed by the truth they learn.


Our Mission…

Engaging people in relationship with God through knowing His Word.

Our mission statement highlights that life-changing intimacy with God is the true heart of Precept. We emphasize Bible study and Bible knowledge not as an end to itself, but because they lead us to a personal, transformational relationship with God.


Our Vision…

Every believer in Christ living out God’s Word everyday.

We hope to reach Christians of all ages across Ireland with the life-transforming truth of God’s Word. We pray that as people study and learn God’s Word, they will come to know Jesus Christ personally and that their everyday decisions and actions will be shaped by their relationship with Him.


How can we help you today?